This technology makes volatile organic compounds harmless through the use of cultivated anaerobic microorganisms. The use of microorganisms in nature helps remediate contamination safely and at a low cost. For sites where there are few or no microorganisms, we have developed and commercialized a bio-augmentation technology that applies microorganisms cultivated in advance to contaminated groundwater.
Kurita provides a comprehensive range of services that meet the needs of the customers, which include assessing the contamination of soil and ground water and selecting and implementing the remediation method that is best for the land. We have an extensive lineup of remediation technologies that can identify the source of contamination while the customers’ plants are in operation and safely remediate them. One way is the anaerobic biological method, which remediates the soil without digging it up by using the microorganisms in the soil. There is also the in-situ oxidation decomposition method, which rapidly and securely treats groundwater contaminated with volatile organic compounds.
- *On April 1, 2023, the soil and groundwater remediation business of Kurita Water Industries was spun off to Land Solution, a Kurita Group company. For details, please refer to the press release dated January 31, 2023.
Anaerobic biological method
In-situ oxidation decomposition method
This technology decomposes and remediates groundwater and soil contaminated with trichloroethylene and other volatile organic compounds. It is a low-cost method capable of remediating the soil in an extremely short amount of time.