The Kurita Group Sustainability Report 2023
Editorial Policy
The Kurita Group Sustainability Report 2023 (“the Report”) is published as a report to all stakeholders on the Group’s main CSR-related approaches and materiality, as well as its main initiatives during fiscal 2023.
The Report is broadly comprised of two sections on the Kurita Group’s initiatives related to CSR: a section reporting on strategic initiatives undertaken during the target period; and a section with follow up reports on each of the Group’s seven materiality themes. Information on other initiatives can be found on the Company’s website.
Organizations covered
The scope of coverage is Kurita Water Industries Ltd. (the parent company) and subsidiaries that have adopted management policies. It includes, in principle, all locations of Kurita Water Industries and its consolidated subsidiaries. Companies and locations that meet the following conditions are excluded from the scope of environmental data.
<Conditions for exclusion>
- Companies that have not yet started environmental improvement activities
- Companies that do not incur an environmental impact because they do not have actual business operations
- Subsidiaries that share a location with the parent company (and are included in the parent company)
- Locations where calculating environmental impact is not feasible due to tenant occupancy, etc.
Period covered
Fiscal 2023 (April 1, 2022 to March 31, 2023)
Information Disclosure System on the Company’s Website
Guidelines referred to
GRI Standards etc.
Supplementary information to the contents of the report
- In the Report, “the Company” refers to Kurita Water Industries Ltd.; “the Company and its domestic Group companies” refers to Kurita Water Industries Ltd. and its Group companies in Japan; and “the Kurita Group” refers to all Group companies including those overseas. Information pertaining to specific companies is presented using the names of the companies.
- CO2 emissions by companies integrated in recent M&As after the base year of targets based on the GHG Protocol have been incorporated into CO2 emissions. The calculation method for Scope 3 has been adjusted to allow for the effects of price and exchange rate fluctuations. The figures for fiscal 2021 and fiscal 2022 have been revised to reflect these changes.
Copyrights and trademarks
- Our company or our licensers hold the copyrights for all the materials posted on this report. You may not use them beyond the range of use legally permitted for private use, etc.: you cannot, for example, copy, process, transfer, or distribute them without consent from the respective copyright holders.
- Trademarks in the materials posted on this report (product names, service names and logos) belong to our company or our licensers, and you cannot use them without consent from the holders of the respective rights.