The graph shows the performance of waste reduction at customers’ plants and business sites by means of proposals of the Kurita Group. These results are mainly due to conversion to wastewater treatment facilities that generate little excess sludge and reduction of waste volume by dehydrating agents and dehydrators.
The Kurita Group Approach
The Kurita Group needs to make effective use of limited resources in order to
conduct its business activities sustainably. Therefore, the Group is working to
reduce the amount of waste (including hazardous or toxic waste) generated by its
business activities, while making efforts to convert it into valuable material and
to recycle it.
For our customers, we propose technologies for making use of
waste as a resource and for reducing the amount of waste generated. Through these
activities, we aim to reduce waste for society in general.
Contribution to Achieving the SDGs
Targets and Achievements
The Kurita Group aims to achieve a reduction of environmental impact through its business that offsets and even exceeds the environmental impact generated by its business. To this end, we have set targets for the “Waste* reduction at customers – Waste* generated from our business activities.” We will continue to measure these actual values going forward values.
Target for FY2023 | Achievement in FY2023 | |
Waste* reduction at customers – Waste* generated from our business activities |
450,000 t | 406,000 t |
* including hazardous or toxic waste
With Customers
Waste Reduction at Customers’ Plants and Business Sites
Environmental Improvement of
Customers’ Operations
Customer Example
Die Cast Products Plant: Environmental Improvement Case Study
(Project by Kurita Water Industries (Dalian) Co., Ltd.)
A customer that manufactures processed aluminum products in China is working
to reduce its environmental impact at every stage of the product lifecycle in
accordance with its environmental policy. Among these environmental impacts,
the customer is continuously working to reduce industrial waste and increase
recycling by thoroughly implementing waste separation.
Kurita Water
Industries (Dalian) Co., Ltd. proposed a approach for reducing industrial
waste by lowering the amount of water treatment chemicals used in a wastewater
treatment facility to reduce waste originating from the reaction of water
treatment chemicals and impurities in the wastewater. The wastewater treatment
facility uses a range of water treatment chemicals such as flocculants to
render wastewater non-hazardous. The treatment status of the wastewater is
constantly monitored by sensors and the quantity of chemical additives used
for its treatment and stabilization is optimized by automatic control to
enable waste to be reduced. By adopting this proposal, the customers waste was
reduced to around one tenth of the previous amount. Furthermore, the reduction
in waste also enabled a reduction in the frequency of operation of dehydration
equipment, while automatic control enabled stabilization of the wastewater
treatment and power saving.
This website uses the names of products and services in Japan. Please note that product and service names differ in other countries.
Internal Environmental Improvement Activities
Reduction of Internal Waste
Internal Promotion of Environmental
Based on the characteristics of each company and business site, the Kurita Group selects the items that are strongly correlated with waste emission volume, such as production volume, net sales, or site area, as the denominators for a per-unit measurement of waste emission volume, then set about reducing this. The Group has been aggregating the total volume of waste at construction sites of the Company and domestic group companies since fiscal 2020.