• Sustainability
  • Priority Themes: Themes for Growth Opportunities (Environmental Improvement Activities)

SustainabilityPriority Themes: Themes for Growth Opportunities
(Environmental Improvement Activities)

The Kurita Group’s Environmental Improvement Activities

The Kurita Group defines its environmental improvement activities as follows:

  • 1) activities to comply with the environment-related laws and regulations of each country and region that are applicable in conducting business activities;
  • 2) initiatives to solve international issues related to the sustainability of water and the environment through business activities; and
  • 3) disclosure of information related to 1) and 2), and engagement with customers, business partners, employees, shareholders and investors, and local communities related to such activities.

The Kurita Group’s environmental improvement activities include initiatives to reduce internal water and energy use and waste emissions. They also include activities to reduce environmental impact at customers who use products and services related to water and the environment that the Kurita Group has developed over many years. These are linked with the themes for growth opportunities in our CSR Policy. We are aiming to create shared value with society by working to solve social issues through the reduction of environmental impact at customers and in the Kurita Group, while simultaneously achieving business growth.

Basic Policy (FY2023)

The Kurita Group has established the Kurita Group Environmental Policy as a common policy for the Group regarding environmental issues, which are a common challenge for society. We continuously promote initiatives for environmental improvements based on this policy.

General Provisions

  • The Kurita Group will engage in the environmental improvement activities to achieve the four themes: “finding solutions to the water resource issues”; “realizing sustainable use of energy”; “reducing waste”; and “enhancing industrial production technology” of the “CSR Policy” (hereinafter referred to as the “Growth Opportunity Themes”), based on the corporate philosophy, “Study the properties of water, master them, and we will create an environment in which nature and humanity are in harmony”.
  • The Kurita Group will support the “SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) adopted by the UN in 2015 and contribute to achieving relevant goals through the environmental improvement activities.
  • The Kurita Group will establish systems and rules, etc. necessary for the performance of the environmental improvement activities.
  • Officers and employees of the Kurita Group must actively engage in the environmental improvement activities in their respective capacities.
  • The Kurita Group will develop its unified medium-term goals and activity plans by fiscal year related to the environmental improvement activities and manage its activity goals.
  • If any actual or alleged breach of the local laws and regulations arises, the officers and employees of the Kurita Group will immediately report the same in accordance with the Kurita Group’s Emergency Communication Procedures.
  • The Kurita Group will check that business activities are being carried out appropriately in accordance with local laws and regulations.
  • The Kurita Group will verify the effect of the environmental improvement activities on a regular basis, and utilize this for continual improvement.
  • The Kurita Group will carry out education and training activities for the promotion of the environmental improvement activities for its officers and employees.
  • The Kurita Group will disclose, in an active and fair manner, information which helps its stakeholders to understand the environmental improvement activities.
  • The Kurita Group will check expectations and concerns of the stakeholders with regards to the Group, and utilize the results to continually improve the environmental improvement activities.

Environmental Initiative Promotion System (FY2023)

The Kurita Group has established the E&S (Environment & Social) Committee, which is chaired by a Managing Director of the Company, and the Group E&S Committee, chaired by the same director and composed of representatives of Group companies. These committees oversee Environmental Improvement Activities in the Kurita Group. The E&S Committee formulates unified medium-term targets for the Kurita Group’s Environmental Improvement Activities and action plans for each fiscal year. Personnel responsible for promoting the initiatives (committee members or personnel designated by representatives of each company) are tasked with driving efforts to achieve Environmental Improvement Activities targets at their assigned company or organization. They report the status and results of the activities to the E&S Committee.
The E&S Committee confirms stakeholder expectations and concerns, and reports these to the Company’s Board of Directors along with the results for the Kurita Group’s initiatives related to CSR once a year.

Environmental Improvement of Customers’ Operations

The Kurita Group is taking steps to solve social issues outlined in the SDGs by providing customers with solutions on the themes of “water-savings,” “CO2 emissions reduction,” and “waste reduction.”

Promotion of CSV Business

The Kurita Group has defined products, technologies, or business models that contribute significantly to water-savings, CO2 emissions reduction and waste reduction compared to previous levels as the “CSV business,” and has expressed these advantages as respective coefficients. The reduction of environmental impact from customers’ operations is calculated based on these CSV business coefficients and application results. The CSV business is also constantly reviewed in light of the development status of more competitive products, technologies, and business models.
Furthermore, “Development of the CSV Business” is one of the priority measures of the MVP-22 plan, and we have established key performance indicators for this, engaging in initiatives linked with the plan. Various measures are conducted to promote the CSV business, including development from the standpoint of social issues and establishment of an awards program.

Internal Environmental Improvement Activities

The Kurita Group works to reduce water usage, energy usage, and waste, while adhering to the environmental laws and regulations of each country and region that apply to the Group’s business activities. These activities, including assessments related to compliance with environmental laws and regulations, are implemented in accordance with the Kurita Group Environmental Policy in order to achieve targets related to the CSR Policy.

Status of Compliance with Environmental Laws and Regulations

  FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Infringements of environmental laws and regulations Number of infringements 0 0 0
Fines (Thousand yen) 0 0 0
Emissions having a serious impact on the environment None None None

Information Collection and Disclosure Based on International Standards

The Kurita Group refers to two international standards—the Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Protocol and the GRI Standards—when collecting and disclosing data on the environmental impact of its business activities. We also make disclosure based on SASB standards.

Please refer to the following link for the environmental data of the Kurita Group based on international standards.

Kurita Group KPI: Customer Impact Reduction – Kurita Group Impact

The Kurita Group has set as a target “Customer impact reduction – Kurita Group impact” with the aim of achieving a reduction of environmental impact through its business that offsets and even exceeds the environmental impact generated by its business, and to this end it is compiling data on actual reductions and impact.

About “Water intake used in our business activities”

For the theme of “Solve issues related to water resources” in our CSR Policy, we have set as an indicator “Water savings at customers – Amount of water intake used in our business activities.” Water intake is compiled based on an approach established in 2018 when the target was set; it is not equivalent to water intake under the GRI Standards.

About “CO2 emissions from our business activities”

For the theme of “Realize sustainable energy use” in our CSR Policy, we have set as an indicator “CO2 emissions reduction at customers – CO2 emissions from our business activities.” The scope of the Group’s emissions compiled for this indicator includes data corresponding to Scopes 1 to 3 as defined in the GHG Protocol. The data here is complied based on an approach established in 2018 when the target was set and differs from ESG data compiled and disclosed based on the GHG Protocol.

Reduction of Environmental Impact at Customers

Internal Promotion of Environmental Improvements

Kurita Group KPI: Customer Impact Reduction – Kurita Group Impact

  • * “CO2 emissions from our business activities” include emissions generated from the ultrapure water supply business, which comes under Category 13 of Scope 3, as well as emissions in Scope 1 and 2 stipulated in GHG (Greenhouse Gas) protocol.

ISO 14001 Certified Bases

The Kurita Group acquires ISO 14001 certification, mainly at business sites that have a heavy environmental impact. As of March 2023, the status of acquisition in the Group is as shown below.

Company Office
Kurita Water Industries Ltd. Shizuoka, Toyoura and Tsuruga plants; Yamaguchi sub-branch; Sakai Water Supply Center
Kurita Chemical Manufacturing Ltd. Head Office, Ako plant
Kuritaz Co., Ltd. Head office, West Japan branch office and 10 other business sites
Kuritec Service Co. Ltd.* Head office, East Japan, Mie, West Japan and Oita plants
San-ei Industries Co., Ltd. Head office, Mie plant
Nippon Fine Co., Ltd. Head office, Harima plant
Aoi Industries Co., Ltd. Head office
Kurita-GK Chemical Co., Ltd. Head office and Rayong branch
Kurita (Taiwan) Co., Ltd. Kaohsiung plant and office
Kurita Water Industries (Dalian) Co., Ltd. Head Office and plant
Kurita Water Industries (Jiangyin) Co., Ltd. Head office
Hansu Co., Ltd. Head office and three other business sites
Kurita Europe GmbH Head office and two other business sites
Kurita France S.A.S. Head Office and plant
Kurita Turkey Kimya A.S. Head office and Bandirma plant
Kurita AquaChemie Saudi Arabia Co. Saudi Arabia Office
Kurita AquaChemie FZE United Arab Emirates Office
Kurita do Brasil LTDA. Head office and three other business sites
Hansu Technical Service Ltd. Head office
Kurita (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. Head office, plant and five other business sites
Kurita Water (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd. Head office, plant and eight other business sites
P.T. Kurita Indonesia Head office
Kurita America, Inc. Midwest Office & Manufacturing Plant

Communication with Stakeholders

Bolstering Information Dissemination

The Kurita Group disseminates information about its approach, initiatives, and achievements on environmental improvement through its website, sustainability reports, exhibitions, and dialogue with shareholders and investors. In particular, we are working to bolster information dissemination through our website, where we enhance our disclosure based on the Group’s initiatives and achievements, making reference to the GRI standards.

CSR Requirements of Suppliers

The Kurita Group considers it vital to obtain cooperation from suppliers to reduce environmental impact across the entire supply chain. To this end, we have established the Kurita Group CSR Procurement Guideline and have business partners to comply with environmental laws and regulations, take steps to reduce their environmental impact by setting voluntary standards to reduce water and energy usage, and to provide information appropriately. In particular, we ask major business partners to conduct a self-evaluation based on the guidelines and to implement improvement measures.
In addition, since fiscal 2022, we have been using the platform* of EcoVadis for the purpose of expanding evaluation items, enhancing the reliability of evaluation results, and reducing the burden on suppliers. As of March 2023, 123 suppliers in Japan and overseas (accounting for 28% of total order amount in fiscal 2021) were registered on the platform.

  • * A platform for rating the sustainable procurement capabilities of suppliers from a CSR perspective. The content and number of questions are customized according to industry, company size, and country or region.