SustainabilityPriority Themes: Basic Themes

The Kurita Group’s Basic Themes

The Kurita Group has positioned safety and quality, compliance, human rights, and occupational health and safety as basic themes for its initiatives related to CSR, and is working to prevent damage to the Group’s value.

Improving Quality

In order for the Kurita Group to continue its business and grow as a company, it must maintain its status as a trusted supplier for its customers. To gain the trust of our customers, we believe we must consider the impact on customers of the actual products that we supply, which is to say, we must develop products and services that consider safety, health, and environmental impact throughout the product lifecycle, and also ensure their stable manufacture as well as safe shipment and delivery.
The Kurita Group will strive to maintain the trust of society by continuing to develop and provide products and services that are considerate of safety, health, and the environment.


The Kurita Group is involved with solving many customers’ problems in areas around the world. This is proof of the trust that customers in various countries have placed in the Group, and it entails a heavy responsibility. To ensure that we continue to be highly rated as a company by customers, suppliers, employees, shareholders, and local communities throughout the world, we recognize that it is more important than ever to conduct business fairly at all times in every country where we operate. All Kurita Group officers and employees observe the stance stated in our CSR Policy, “Maintain fair and transparent trade based on free competition. Maintain sound relationships with politics and administration,” and are committed to fulfilling the Group’s responsibilities for the future.

Human Rights

The Kurita Group has operations in over 30 countries, where it encounters diverse working environments, business customs, and trading practices. It is important to approach business with a respect for stakeholders’ human rights. Therefore, recognizing that human rights are a priority issue for management, the Kurita Group carries out human rights due diligence while promoting respect for human rights among all stakeholders, including employees, in the countries and regions where it conducts business.
The Group recognizes that these initiatives need to be thoroughly implemented both internally and throughout the supply chain. We therefore request our business partners to consider human rights and require their understanding and cooperation, and we confirm that human rights are being respected through periodic monitoring surveys.

Health and Safety

The Kurita Group recognizes that due to the nature of its business, its employees and those of subcontractors are often faced with various safety risks for manufacture and delivery of water treatment chemicals or assembly, delivery, and installation of water treatment facilities. We have therefore positioned “occupational health and safety as the top priority in operating business.” We are working to ensure the safety and support the health of Kurita Group directors and employees, as well as employees of suppliers to create working environments where they can work with confidence.