SustainabilityHuman Resources Development

The Kurita Group Approach

The Kurita Group sees human resources as the bedrock for its sustainable growth. To enhance our strength in customer intimacy, each Kurita employee must develop a high level of expertise and give their full effort to resolving customers’ issues. To facilitate this, the Kurita Group will work to secure and develop human resources while passing on water-related technologies that it has accumulated over many years. At the same time, we will create a work environment where individual employees can fully utilize their own abilities and aptitudes and an organizational culture that allows diverse human resources to play a role.

Training of specialized engineers

Kurita Water Industries believes that to create a variety of solutions that contribute to solving our customers’ problems, we must secure and train personnel with high levels of expertise in water treatment technology and digital transformation (DX).
The Company established a Human Resources Development Committee in April 2020 and is working to formulate policies and build systems for training specialized engineers with expertise in water treatment. In fiscal 2021, we created a map of the Group’s engineers. Its purpose is to visualize the abilities, knowledge and experience of engineers in the Group with a view to strengthening personnel over the medium to long term and train successors.
To train personnel to promote DX, the Company established the DX Committee in November 2020. We are also working to develop digital literacy within the company by clarifying the knowledge and qualifications needed for DX and holding related study sessions.

Enhancing Capabilities through Training

The Company carries out training to develop human resources, such as having departments responsible for human resource development conduct training for employees in each rank and position, and running the “Greater Adaptability to Globalization Course,” which is designed to nurture human resources that are capable of working at a global level. We also provide Kurita Group employees with specialist knowledge training on Kurita Group products, technologies, and services, training on safety and legal matters, and training for acquisition of communication and problem-solving skills. We are also working to develop human resources that will play central roles in our overseas Group companies by conducting training for future executives and managers of the national staff.

Knowledge and Skill Acquisition through the Mentoring Program

Kurita Water Industries has introduced a mentoring program where employees who have been in the company for three to ten years provide instruction to first- and second-year employees. These employees learn the basics of their jobs from their mentors, who in turn gain opportunities to increase their leadership and problem-solving capabilities.

Providing Opportunities to Increase Self-Development

In business areas where it has a need, Kurita Water Industries has a paid study sabbatical system in place that provides employees with opportunities to study at educational and research institutions in Japan and overseas. We also offer a scholarship program to provide financial aid to students who meet certain criteria. Furthermore, we provide in-house training, such as our “Greater Adaptability to Globalization Course,” which is designed to nurture human resources that are capable of working at a global level through language learning and other means, and our “Specialist Technical Courses,” in which our leading personnel in each technical field act as in-house instructors to pass on technical knowledge. In addition, we offer over 200 correspondence education and classroom courses that provide opportunities for employees to acquire a wide range of knowledge and skills.