Kurita Group Human Rights Policy

The Kurita Group operates businesses globally in the fields of water and the environment in accordance with its corporate philosophy, "Study the properties of water, master them, and we will create an environment in which nature and humanity are in harmony."Our business activities are built on relationships with many related parties and may have various impacts on their human rights.
Human rights are fundamental rights that are granted to every human being. As a member of society, the Kurita Group will understand well its duty to protect the human rights of every person affected by its business activities and fulfill its responsibility to respect human rights.
This Human Rights Policy complements the Kurita Group Corporate Philosophy and the Kurita Group Code of Conduct. We aim to contribute to the sustainable growth of society by continuing with management and business activities that respect human rights through the implementation of this policy.

This policy applies to all directors, members of the audit & supervisory board, executive officers, corporate officers, personnel equivalent to them (hereinafter referred to as, " officers, etc. ") and employees of Kurita Water Industries Ltd. and its consolidated subsidiaries.
Moreover, the Kurita Group will encourage its business partners and other related parties on which it can have an influence to implement this policy.

The Kurita Group will respect the human rights as set out in the International Bill of Human Rights and the fundamental rights and principles as set out in the Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work. In addition, we will promote efforts to respect human rights in accordance with the Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights stipulated by the UN.

The Kurita Group will comply with applicable laws and regulations of each country and region in which it performs its business activities. In the case of any conflict between the internationally recognized human rights and any law, regulation or rule of any country or region, the Kurita Group will search for a way to respect the principles of internationally recognized human rights.

The Kurita Group will establish a mechanism for human rights due diligence to identify any adverse human rights impacts and seek to prevent or mitigate such impact.

In the event of any adverse human rights impacts or its revealed involvement in such adverse human rights impacts, the Kurita Group will endeavor to provide a remedy to those affected through proper proceedings.

The Kurita Group will publicize this policy. Furthermore, it will provide appropriate education and training to ensure the effectiveness of this policy.

The Kurita Group will consult with the relevant stakeholders on responses regarding potential and actual impacts on human rights.

The Kurita Group will report the progress of its efforts to respect human rights in its sustainability reports and on its website.